Figure 3 shows the I/ O data mapping. 图3显示了I/O数据映射关系。
JAX-WS's data mapping model is JAXB. JAX-WS的数据映射模型是JAXB。
The RDB schemas assist in creating the RDB data mapping. RDB模式能帮助创建RDB数据的映射。
Also, data mapping is executed to transform the request and response parameters to match the interface of the selected airline service. 另外,还执行数据映射来转换请求和响应参数,以匹配所选航空服务的接口。
The external mapping file enables developers to customize the data mapping and thereby gaining more control over the way mapping can be derived. 外部映射文件使开发人员能够定制数据映射,从而获得对映射派生方式的更多控制。
The Assign activity performs the data mapping required for the process. Assign活动执行该流程所需的数据映射。
Welcome to the marvelous world of data mapping, where every rule has an exception. 欢迎来到奇妙的数据映射世界,这里的每条规则都有例外。
XML tasks: Author and maintain XML schemas, XML documents, or both that represent the business, and determine any needed data mapping or transformations. XML任务:创作并维护XML模式、XML文档或两者兼而有之(代表业务),并确定任何所需的数据映射或者转换。
The wizard generates the implementation, including data mapping. 向导产生实现,其中包括数据映射。
This tutorial explains how you can implement this process of data mapping and configuration by following these steps 本教程解释如何通过以下步骤实现这个数据映射和配置过程
For the data mapping, shown in Figure 32, the process identifier is again used for correlation, however in this case there is no additional business data passed in to be processed. 对于数据映射,如图32中所示,可以再次使用流程标识符进行关联,但在本例中没有传入额外的业务数据进行处理。
For example, a team working on object-relational data mapping may be using a modeling tool with a set of MDA transformations. 例如,一个进行关于对象的数据映射的团队可能会利用建模工具进行一组MDA转换。
Facilitates data mapping and transformation. 便于数据映射和转换。
Figure 14 shows the data mapping for the Show Error activity implemented by the Show Error Human Service. 图14显示了ShowError人工服务所实现的ShowError活动的数据映射关系。
Data mapping and resolution of taxonomy and semantic differences between data sources, service providers, and underlying data source models. 数据源、服务提供者和基础数据源模型之间的分类学和语义差异的数据映射和解析。
Jim used the mediation flow to integrate services and XML Map to do the data mapping. Jim使用中介流来集成服务和XML映射,完成数据映射。
All that remains to do is some data mapping. 现在剩下的就是一些数据映射。
We describe different data mapping methods, invocation styles, bindings, deployment topologies, and their performance impact. 我们罗列了不同的数据映射方法、调用方式、绑定发布技巧以及这些不同方法技巧对于性能的影响。
This process is called data mapping because you are mapping information from the export file into the XML document. 这个过程称为数据映射,因为您是把导出文件中的信息映射到XML文档中。
Keep domain data and message data loosely coupled-rely on data mapping rather than data generation or derivation to achieve this. 保证领域数据和消息数据松耦合&二者之间使用数据映射,而不要使用数据生成或数据继承。
Data mapping of problem domain to simulation domain is the premise of weapon system-of-systems combat simulation ( WSSCS). 问题域向仿真域的数据映射是武器装备体系对抗仿真的前提。
It can invoke several services and do some business logic on the flow and on XML documents, while also being able to handle data mapping issues. 它可以调用几个服务并能在流程和XML文档中完成一些业务逻辑,同时还能够处理数据映射问题。
Another new feature added to the Web Designer is the runtime data mapping which allows developers to move data between actions in a job and workflow. Web设计器的另一个新特性是运行时的数据映射,它可以让开发者在一个任务和工作流中进行actions间的数据移动。
This paper proposes a kind of method that can preserve integrity constraints in data mapping, contrives a mechanism ( DAPPIC) of generating constraints-preserving publishing rules. 提出一种在数据映射方式下保持完整性约束的数据发布方法,设计了一套保持完整性约束的数据发布规则生成机制DAPPIC。
Enhancements in the user interface allow for live data mapping. 用户界面的增强功能允许实时数据映射。
The internals of LINQ to SQL could, I think, form the nice foundation for a generic data mapping framework that would be complementary to ORM type frameworks like the Entity Framework. 我认为,LINQtoSQL的内部能够从一个好的基础发展为一个通用的数据映射框架,以弥补ORM类型的框架(如EntityFramework)的不足。
The Research of Data Mapping Inference Algorithm in Peer-to-peer Data Management System 对等数据管理系统中的数据映射推导算法研究
Indicates the source messages used in the data mapping of this transform shape. 指明此转换形状的数据映射中使用的源消息。
Research on Data Mapping of Problem Domain to Simulation Domain of Weapon System-of-systems Combat Simulation 体系对抗仿真中问题域向仿真域的数据映射防空导弹作战模拟中的电子对抗仿真